Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome the the Male Cooking Blog!

First it should be understood that this isn't some Julia Child-tomfoolery. I can't cook, nor have I ever really tried to, though I'd like to think that I've shown some limited potential in the culinary arts. I can make rotisserie chicken and a mean Ramen noodle soup. The key is to crack an egg in when there are two minutes left to cook. Didn't learn that on Martha Stewert, did you? Anyway, I'm unemployed and taking college classes at the local university. One of them required me to make a blog. This is it. Also, I should clarify that I am not some kind of pansy whipping up creme brulee for a late-night sesh with Rachael Maddow. I'll cook manly things like burgers and rare meats.

-Some Dude